You're Driving Everyone Crazy
Stan confronts Bridon about his annoying dance routines.
Aired at November 11, 2008 · Season 12 · Episode 13
The boys are at lunch and while Cartman taunts Kenny's lunch, Butters announces he's going to see the movie High School Musical 3 again. The boys question what this is and realize they're clueless about the newest fad (in answering "where have you been", Craig simply replies "Peru", a reference to Pandemic, an episode that aired earlier this season). Wendy, along with other girls and a handsome Zac Efron look-alike third grader named Bridon Gueermo, begin singing in the cafeteria in the High School Musical fashion. Soon the boys are the only children present who aren't singing and they go home. After watching the movie, the boys hate it, and vow never to become a part of this fad. Cartman attempts suicide due to frustration with the new fad (at school, he explains that he tried to induce carbon monoxide poisoning by sleeping in his mother's running car, but failed, explaining "Frickin' hybrids man, they just don't do the trick anymore".
Below you will find 15 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Stan confronts Bridon about his annoying dance routines.
The Boys catch Stan studying High School Musical.
Bridon takes the court in his first basketball game.
The audition results for the School Musical are in, and Stan tries to steal the spotlight.
Stan talks to Wendy about how he feels, but it doesn't help.
Bridon's sick of singing, and tries to run away.
Garrison can't get through a lecture without a song breaking out.
Despite Stan's efforts to stop it, the singing and dancing continues.
The Boys see what all this "musical" fuss is about, and vow to never be a part of it.
The High School Musical fad isn't going away, and Stan tries to convince the Boys to get on board.
Bridon confesses his dream to play basketball to his Dad.
Bridon tries out for for the basketball team, only to be interrupted by his Dad's slap hand.
Bridon's Dad gets a visit from Child Protective Services.
The Boys finally get their act together.
High School Musical has taken over South Park Elementary, without the Boys knowing.