Randy Takes a Crap
Randy has been constipated for three weeks. When he finally takes a crap, it's so big he can't help ...
At Randy's world record ceremony in Washington, a video of Bono is shown where he announces the record has been broken again.
This short clip is a fragment from the episode More Crap (Season 11, Episode 9)
Check out a full list of episodes from season 11
Randy has been constipated for three weeks. When he finally takes a crap, it's so big he can't help ...
As Herr Brolof comforts Bono with biddy, he tells of how he defecated Bono in 1960 and raised him ev...
The European Fecal Standards and Measurements members verify Randy's crap and make him the new world...
Randy gets an ultrasound and sees his growing crap for the first time. News comes that Randy has to ...
When his friends show some doubt about the impressiveness of his crap, Randy takes them to see it. S...
Randy attempts to crap at the EFSM headquarters in Zurich, but it's too big to pass. The doctor sugg...
While receiving another humanitarian award, Bono is informed his biggest crap record has been broken...
The news reports that Randy is going to attempt to beat the world record again. Bono makes demands t...
Stan tries talking Bono into letting his father be number one, just this once. Bono flips out when i...
On their way to Zurich, Bono's butler reveals to Stan that Bono isn't the record holder, he's actual...
Randy is inconsolable after losing the world record to Bono. Sharon still just doesn't get it.
Unfortunately the Guinness Book won't accept records for the biggest crap, but they redirect Randy t...
Randy's friends convince him that he has a gift to make huge craps and he shouldn't waste that talen...