What, What In the Butt
Butters new song becomes an internet sensation.
The boys create an Internet video they hope will end the strike.
This short clip is a fragment from the episode Canada on Strike (Season 12, Episode 4)
Check out a full list of episodes from season 12
Butters new song becomes an internet sensation.
The Internet stars battle it out for theoretical dollars.
The boys try to collect their Internet income at the Department of Internet Money.
The boys grow tired of Terrance and Phillip reruns and realize the Canadian strike must end.
The citizens of Canada have had enough mocking, and are ready to sing about it.
Stephen takes his case to the world economic leaders and tries to get Canada more money, from the In...
The Canadians reward Stephen Abootman for representing them in the strike.
The strike situation worsens when The Danish show up to take the place of the striking Canadians.
The students of South Park Elementary learn about Canadian Appreciation Day.
Kyle learns a valuable lesson and shares his insights on the Internet.
The boys present Stephen Abootman with the theoretical money they made on the internet.
Ike hits the picket lines in support of his Countrymen.
The boys grow tired of Terrance and Phillip reruns and realize the Canadian strike must end.
The Canadians celebrate their greatest victory.