Characters in South Park
Below you can find out more about the characters of the fictional town in Colorado. The main characters are Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick. Besides Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny there are an assortment of characters who make frequent appearances in the show such as celebrities, family members, school characters, alter ego's, and many more.

World of Warcraft Kid (Make Love, Not Warcraft)

Carol's Older Daughter

Skinny Cartman Imposter (Fat Camp)

C Cap

Creepy Hallway Kids (Ass Burgers)



Earmuff Boy

Elephantiasis Girl




Leslie's Friend

Little Girl with the Puppy T-Shirt (The Ring)

Nose-Picker (About Last Night...)

Orange Shirt Boy

Red Shirt (Flashbacks)


Short Blonde-Haired Girl

White Token

Blonde-Haired Girl in Hell

Jonas Brothers' fans

Goth Girl - Goobacks