We Still Hate You
With the Taliban toppled and Osama bin Laden dead, the Afghan boys bid their American counterparts a...
Below you will find 18 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
With the Taliban toppled and Osama bin Laden dead, the Afghan boys bid their American counterparts a...
The Afghan boys reveal that everyone in Pakistan and Afghanistan hate Americans because Americans do...
When Osama releases his tape showing that he's holding the boys and the goat hostage, the country is...
The boys survive twenty hours trapped in a small, unventilated space with Cartman's farts.
The Taliban and U.S. forces continue to shoot at each other, also killing Kenny and Afghan Kenny. St...
The boys, except Butters, wear gas masks as a safety precaution against small pox and anthrax.
The boys find the home of the goat's original owners, and learn the sentiments behind the gift: a st...
Cartman reveals that the conflict in the Middle East is all about Osama bin Laden's small penis.
Four children in Afghanistan -- who look a lot like Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny -- are the lucky r...
When Stan receives a big brown package from Afghanistan in exchange for his dollar, his parents call...
The U.S. military attacks Osama bin Laden's hideout while the boys' Afghan versions come to rescue t...
As Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac entertain the victorious troops, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman salute th...
The boys become part of one of Osama bin Laden's videos.
Osama bin Laden is more attracted to a camel than Cartman in drag.
Cartman doesn't understand why he should donate a dollar to the Afghans because he's innocent civili...
Cartman kills Osama bin Laden by dressing him like Uncle Sam, handing him a stick of dynamite and te...
The boys try to send the goat back to Afghanistan, but the Post Office won't fly over that area. Tow...
Soldiers at the military base think the boys' goat is Stevie Nicks, so they're able to sneak the goa...