Population Problem
Running a theme park requires workers, who require money, which requires customers. Cartman is not h...
Aired at July 24, 2001 · Season 5 · Episode 6
When Cartman inherits $ 1,000,000 from his late grandmother, he decides to buy what he always wanted: his own amusement park. However, no one is allowed in, only Cartman himself. He hates the queues that you find everywhere in parks. Meanwhile, Kyle has a hemorrhoid and this, along with Cartman's luck, makes him lose faith in God. When he tries to sneak in with Stan Cartmanland, Kyle pricks his hemorrhoid at one of the ends of the fence, causing him to go to hospital and be in serious condition.
Below you will find 20 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Running a theme park requires workers, who require money, which requires customers. Cartman is not h...
The hemorrhoid has spred to Kyle's lungs and he seems to have lost any will to live.
In order to pay the security guard with actual money, Cartman has to let two paying customers in the...
Stan and Kyle play with a Jennifer Lopez doll and a firecracker when Kenny rushes up with the big ne...
Cartman's family is grieving the death of his grandmother. Eric, however, is in grief at spending hi...
Cartman ups his admission to eight after his new maintenance person demands food and drink be kept i...
At the reading of his grandmother's will, Cartman learns he has inherited one million dollars. His l...
In the hospital with an infected hemorrhoid, Kyle has come to the conclusion that there is no God an...
After the television show "Money Quest" does a story on Cartman and his business success, Kyle's con...
When Kyle learns that Cartman is ruined, he begins a miraculous recovery.
Stan and Kyle attempt to hop the fence into Cartmanland, popping Kyle's hemorrhoid.
Cartman wheels his inheritance out of the bank on a wagon. He's on his way to spend it on his lifelo...
Cartman loses all his money to an audit and a lawsuit.
Kyle is becoming disillusioned with God now that he has a hemorroid, and Cartman has his own amuseme...
Cartman wants to buy North Park Funland. It's a failing theme park that makes no money, but Cartman ...
The only thing Cartman hates worse than a crowded theme park is his crowded theme park.
When Stan and Kyle see a commercial for Cartmanland saying they're not invited, they decide to show ...
Kyle's parents tell him about the Biblical Book of Job; the story of a man whose ideal life was ruin...
Cartman admits Butters and Clyde into Cartmanland to cover his security expenses, but now he needs a...
Riding the rides alone in his theme park, Cartman is probably the happiest he's ever been.