Tell Them What You Learned
Leslie explains why she chose Kyle to help her and convinces him to tell everyone what he has learne...
Aired at January 2, 2016 · Season 19 · Episode 10
Kyle has chosen a dangerous alliance over his friendship with Stan.
Below you will find 17 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Leslie explains why she chose Kyle to help her and convinces him to tell everyone what he has learne...
With guns gaining popularity, Jimbo's Gun Shop is packed with new customers.
PC principal is captured by the government. Meanwhile, Kyle promises to protect Leslie.
The citizen's of South Park unite agains the last threat to their town.
Stan discovers his dad might be involved in the changes taking place in South Park.
Stan helps Randy, Garrison and Principal Victoria come to a startling realization about who could be...
Cartman and his mom almost resort to violence in an argument over bedtime.
The boys take drastic steps to ensure their safety.
Nathan explains how he got everything he ever wanted, including his new girlfriend Classi.
With his plan going so well, Nathan makes a fatal mistake allowing Jimmy to escape.
Randy, Stan, Kyle, Jimmy face off at the South Park Gun Show for the final confrontation with Leslie...
PC Principal takes the fight to the ads.
Leslie and Nathan plot to get PC Principal back to South Park. Meanwhile Jimmy tries to convice Clas...
PC Principal announces he will be staying on as principal of South Park Elementary.
Stan begins to suspect his Dad might be involved in the PC plot. Meanwhile Randy, Garrison and Princ...
Randy, Sharon, Stan and Shelley take the time to really listen to each other, by gunpoint.
Cartman and his mom have an argument over bedtime.