Sorry Skippy
Kyle struggles with the ethics of his new job.
Below you will find 15 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Kyle struggles with the ethics of his new job.
Kyle discovers what Cartman's crew is really up to.
Kyle sheds light on his new hustle.
When all seems lost, Kyle and Stan discover a miracle.
The CBAA tries to book Slash, while Kyle lays out his plans for an orphanage.
Kyle questions Cartman's motives for volunteering.
Cartman and Butters pay a visit to the home of a future player, while Kyle attempts to explain himse...
Cartman lays out the CBAA rules for Kyle.
Cartman recruites Kyle for his latest money making scheme.
The CBAA discovers the details of their videogame deal.
Over bacon and pancakes, the kids learn some shocking truths.
The boys get sucked into Sara McLachlan's melodramatic commercial.
Clyde and Craig search for the whereabouts of Slash.
Cartman visits the University of Colorado to get business advice.
Cartman discusses his plan to help out those poor babies addicted to crack.