No Darkness or Pain
Mysterion pays a visit to the Goth Kids.
Below you will find 14 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Mysterion pays a visit to the Goth Kids.
Cartman and Cthulhu banish the Coon Friends to a dark oblivion.
Mysterion learns how to stop the Dark Lord.
An ancient visitor sheds some light on our superhero's true identity.
Cartman returns to Coon and Friends to ask what he should do.
The Dark Lord is agitated and the Coon calms him down.
Mysterion confronts Coon and Friends.
Cartman gives us the latest installment of "The Coon."
The Coon Friends are trapped in another dimension and Mysterion tries to find a way out.
Mintberry Crunch defeats the evil Cthulhu, saves the world, and rescues his trusty hero companions.
The Coon and Friends unleash their fury at Burning Man.
Mintberry Crunch catches us up with the ongoing disaster.
Mysterion tries to explain how much his super power sucks.
The Coon and Friends turn their attention to the next villainous scourge.