The Dangers of Memeing
The class watches an educational film on the deadly consequences of memeing.
Professor Lamont steps up his lessons about the dangers of memeing.
This short clip is a fragment from the episode Faith Hilling (Season 16, Episode 3)
Check out a full list of episodes from season 16
The class watches an educational film on the deadly consequences of memeing.
Two teens are killed doing a new internet meme, which was started by a cat.
Cartman confronts Mr. Kitty about posting "Breading" pictures online, while Kenny has second thought...
The Ambassador of People tries to communicate with the cat who created the Oh Long Johnson meme.
The boys drop in on the Republican Debate and pull off a large scale "Hilling".
The boys attract attention while recording their new meme.
After seeing evidence of a shocking new meme, Professor Lamont learns that cats are evolving.
Cartman refuses to bow to the new fad, and instead pulls off the greatest "Hilling" ever seen.
The Republican Candidates try their best to sway the Ambassador of Cats.
Cartman and Kyle finally give up on "Hilling".
Professor Lamont confronts the cat responsible for the new meme, while another memer dies "Reporting...
After making headlines, the boys learn that their meme of choice is no longer in style.
Stan goes behind the other boys' backs to try out a new meme.
The boys refuse to let "Swifting" replace their favorite meme.