You Want to Bail?
While enjoying a meal together, Randy drops a bombshell on the family.
The boys go online to search for any information about where Jimmy may have gone, but get distracted by “ads”.
This short clip is a fragment from the episode Truth and Advertising (Season 19, Episode 9)
Check out a full list of episodes from season 19
While enjoying a meal together, Randy drops a bombshell on the family.
Jimmy explains how advertising evolved into “Sponsored Content”.
After talking to Leslie again, Jimmy begins to think that ads may not all be bad.
The latest edition of Super School News leads to even more questions about what happened to Jimmy an...
The tension between Kyle and Stan erupts at school and when they accuse each other of working with P...
Kyle gets called to the Principal’s office and learns that Jimmy and Leslie are missing.
While the newsmen are distracted by an online ad, Leslie opens up to Jimmy and begs him for help.
Jimmy confronts Nathan at the Super School News office, but Leslie has other plans.
Garrison and Principal Victoria return to a South Park they don’t recognize.
Randy, Garrison and Principal Victoria head to the PC Delta house to deal with PC Principal.
At Skeeter’s Wine Bar, Randy tries to warn everyone what he’s finally realized about gentrificat...
Randy breaks the news to Sharon that, because of the gentrification in town, they can’t afford to ...
The mysterious newsmen reveal how much deeper the Sponsored Content conspiracy goes.
Once again the boys are distracted by online ads and end up shopping instead of looking for Jimmy.
Garrison, Caitlyn and Principal Victoria interrogate Randy about the changes to South Park and revea...
Jimmy decides to help Leslie escape and gains an unexpected ally.
Before Randy, Garrison, Caitlyn and PC Principal discover what PC Principal has been up to, they are...